Link to my CFS2 Site

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Always refresh the skins pages for new skins

English Skins

German Skins

American Skin 


EAW Sounds 

EAW Skies 

EAW Main Page

CFS2 Page

This site contains aircraft skins for various games. They are mostly gathered from other peoples sites, but I have included many skins that have been created by my brother Steve. The skins are for , European air war, CFS2, Janes  U.S.A.F, we also made new sounds for EAW, these are real sampled sounds of the 303, 50cal, 20mm cannons, 2 Merlin engine sounds plus a few made by others.

I have also added a page with CFS2 skins, and Mods to my site

Please Note. If any Author objects to any of their skins being available on this site, Then please E-mail me and I will remove them Immediately.

European Air War

English Skins :_____Click here

German Skins :____Click Here

American Skin :____Click Here

Desert Skins :_____Click Here